Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sihanoukville: Khmer New Year Photo Diary

Take an island girl out of her comfort zone and have her live in a city that's 4 hours away from the beach-- a girl can only take so much! I swear living and working in Phnom Penh, no matter how wonderful it is, will be the death of me.

I grew up in Cebu, a tropical island where everything is just mere minutes away-- the beach, the city, the mountains-- you name it and it's only a short car ride away. Having lived in Phnom Penh now for almost a year, I haven't had luxury to drive all way out to Sihanoukville for some beach time. Lucky for us Khmer New Year gave us a week off from work and a good friend of mine, Lea Ann, was visiting from Cebu-- for those who know Lea, you know how much she loves the beach.

We're on a boat! This time around I got to explore and visit the islands around Sihanoukville.

Getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city was a long overdue reprieve.

*** Most of the photos were taken using my mobile phone. Technology nowadays never ceases to amaze me.

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